The Tea is currently on a break in 2022.

Hi, Sit. Steep. Sip. Savor. Share.

sharing life observations that arrive

sometimes in conversation,

usually on walks,

often during slow moments, 

like steeping tea,

clarity arises within the swirls of its steam

I wrote the above when the Tea launched on 2.17.21, and it feels poetic, and in a sense untrue.

The Tea is for readers who enjoy a dance around subjects that try to bring us closer to understanding some of life’s unanswered questions. Creating, and the process of it, spirituality, philosophy, history, and art remain honorable mentions. Like steam, clarity rises, yet it usually dissipates to be sought again and witnessed in some other form. I can’t guarantee answers, yet I hope these stories provide a shift in perspective.

I’ve dabbled in various forms of media, and have always returned to writing to try and make sense of life’s cycles. I hope the Tea inspires others to lean into their own sense of creativity as a way to find their voice and inner guidance during a time when externally we are pulled into many directions.

The Tea is currently on a 2022 pause.

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A dance around topics of philosophy, art, spirituality, history, and creation to seek answers to life's questions. I can't promise anything is resolved